Thursday, April 25, 2013

Put it Down!

When we relocated to Michigan we experienced a large increase in our auto insurance, it more than doubled!!! After living here more than 6 months and driving on the roads here, I now know why. The drivers here are HORRIBLE!!! People run red lights like crazy, no one seems to follow the speed limit and they are the worst when it comes to the Cell Phone.

So although I think Michigan is home to some of the worst drivers, this blog post applies to all of you who are guilty of tweeting, texting, emailing, face booking, while driving! Today, I almost lost my cool as I was driving to the vet. I had a minivan complete with sports decals on the book come into my lane unannounced as I have to swerve into the next lane so she doesn't hit me, I go around her to find the lady is freaking on her cell, either texting or doing something. It scared the beegeezus out of me, especially because I'm one of those where my cell phone sits in my handbag either in the backseat or on the floor board. Needless to say I have precious cargo in my car now, and I will do anything in my power to keep him safe.

I mean are we that addicted to our cell phones that we can't put them away while we are driving? There have been too many accidents, and lives losts to people trying to send out some meaningless text, emails, or facebook status. For the sake of everyone around you and for your own life just please put your cell phone away in a place where it won't distract you while driving. We all pretty much have bluetooth in our cars, so if there is an emergency you can answer the cell via bluetooth and still have both hands on the wheel!

Please go ahead and take the pledge:

No Texting While Driving Pledge

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