Monday, April 22, 2013

You got to move it move it!!

Ok, so the Bear is officially 4 weeks now, wow does time fly!! I promised myself I wouldn't get on the scale until he hit four weeks or even fret about this baby weight. I however did not up hold that agreement with myself and jumped on the scale last week. The number wasn't that bad, I ended up gaining almost 40 lbs with him. I was shocked I gained that much because I continued to watch what I ate and worked out daily. In fact, I walked 5 miles the day before my water broke. 

However, any weight gain was fine with me, as long as the little man was healthy and happy! I kept hearing oh the weight will come right off, you worked out daily etc. Well, I am right now at 12 lbs to lose to get to my pre pregnancy weight, which seems manageable (right???). I had to swear off googling losing baby weight, because I was getting so frustrated reading the blogs of girls who lost it in 30 days. Seriously? How is that possible? I mean your body changes so much, even if you lost it all it would still take some weights and gym time to get your body firm and back into shape. 

My goal is to lose a 1lb a week as long as Bear is still getting the amount of milk he is suppose to, and still gaining good weight. My friend Mallory told me that she had read that the last 5-10 lbs sometimes you won't lose until you quite breastfeeding. I am one of those people who working out keeps me sane, it's my me time! I am dying to get back to the gym, and especially Pilates. I began Pilates last year and it definitely transformed my body, I was in the best shape of my life between Pilates and Running. I had to quit Pilates at the end of my first trimester because doctor's orders said no more exercising on the back! 

Only a few more weeks until I see the Doc and hopefully get cleared to resume working out! But until then I have started back on my food journal ( I have done a food journal ever since high school ), I quit the food journal during pregnancy because I was just too tired at the end of the day :). I have started taking Bear on longer walks throughout the neighborhood. My friend Melissa,gave me good advice she said put away all the maternity clothes, that way it's more motivating to get back into your old clothes!!!  I am able to fit into a few of my pre pregnancy jeans and purchased a couple pairs of jeans this weekend to rotate in the mix, until I'm back in more of my pre baby attire! I have made a decision to occasionally blog about the weight loss, because I can't stand reading about the girls who just said it comes off so easily and in 4 weeks. It's kind of like the people you hear about bragging because their kids slept thru the night at 3 weeks. Seriously, if that is you just smile and keep that set of information to yourself because you are not in the norm! :)!

I was elated to see our temp will hit 60 today only to look forward at the rest of the week and see snow flurries in the forecast on Friday, UGH!!! We had a great weekend here, as my Dad was in town.It's so nice to just have an extra set of hands to help out ! I just wish it would have been a little warmer so we could have been outside more!  I hope everyone has a great week this week!



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