Monday, May 6, 2013

"I still remember, when 30 was old"

"I still remember when 30 was old, my biggest fear was September when he had to go...". As I turned the big 30 this past Saturday, I couldn't help but recall that line from one of my all time favorite songs, "Strawberry Wine", by Deana Carter. The line is so perfect, " I still remember when 30 was old.." I remember thinking in my young 20's how old 30 seemed. It seemed like you were just a boring old adult, mature, aging etc. HA! I am so far from that :).

I died laughing from one of my pseudo sisters Kerry, reminded me of the ignorant things I said in my early twenties when consuming one to many adult beverages with she and my sister. She reminded me that I said when you turn 30 you have to cut your hair short and  not wear strapless dresses. As you can see that's when I could relate to the song, I remember when 30 was old.  I however, am excited about this new decade. I have many things I plan to accomplish in the next ten years. And you better believe I'm sporting strapless dresses especially if I'm working my tail off to get my body in shape, and keeping my hair long!

I want to continue to establish my career, I have taken almost a year off mainly due to the fact that there aren't any opportunities for me in Michigan. But during this past year, it has made me realize how much I miss the working environment. I'm competitive so I like the fast pace environment and putting your mind to work. Having said that though, I love spending some time with my little Bear right now and not having to rush back to work too soon. I want to continue to strengthen my marriage. I feel like it is more important as you have kids to carve out time for your partner. I never realized how difficult it is until we brought Bear in, and it definitely is. I plan to cherish and nourish my girlfriends. I have been blessed with truly some of the best girlfriends around. They are great sounding boards for any life problem, and more importantly are great inspiration for me as a friend, mother, wife, sister, and daughter. I want to see more of this great world in the next ten years. There are places and sporting events that are on my bucket list, that I would love to conquer in this decade. I want to pick up a new hobby preferably something Greg and I can do together. I think we are going to join a Tennis league this Summer. It's a great sport that we can do individually and together, and more importantly its something we can do as we age and get a good workout in. 

I am sure this decade will fly by, and I will sit back and hopefully be proud of the woman that I have evolved into during the next ten years and all of the things that I hopefully accomplished. 

We had a wonderful weekend, it was AMAZING weather here. We went and had lunch at a great steakhouse on Saturday, and then just hung out. It was nice to just have downtime with my boys, especially since Greg had been traveling the past week. On Sunday, we drove down to Ohio to spend sometime with Greg's family. It was so nice to get to spend time with them, as I really didn't get to meet his Aunt and one of his sister's until the wedding last year. The nice part of living in Michigan, is getting to see his side of the family more.

I am excited as this am, I head to the doctor to hopefully get clearance to hit the Gym. I was able to squeeze (yep, and you better believe I was not about to not zip up these jeans) into some of my skinnier pre pregnancy jeans. I must admit they are a bit too tight and probably have some muffin top hanging out. Which I am not a fan of, but in this case, I paired them with a nice tunic so no one will know. It's funny though, once I could put them on, I was not about to take them off, I need the boost this am.

Hope everyone is having good weather and can get outside. I hope you have a great week, and make sure and take time for yourself :). That's another goal of mine in the next ten years, as I'm sure life will just get more hectic as Bear gets older.



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